brilliant idea

environment statistics and accounts

Working for the environment

Environmental protection is a major topic on the political agenda of modern societies. Handling environmental problems and taking precautionary actions to prevent future threats are important objectives and goals of main strategies of national policy-makers and international organisations (Water framework directive, European climate change program, REACH directive, EU SDS, Europe 2020, Environment action programme, etc.)

To detect and measure environmental problems, target future actions and develop effective policies, the collection and analysis of statistical information on the environment is of utmost importance. Public and private stakeholders need reliable and up-to-date statistics of the highest quality, comparable over time, between national economies and territories.

Environmental-economic accounts provide the conceptual framework to understand the environment and its relationship with the economy – with special reference to the industry classification NACE – including the impacts of the economy on the environment and the contribution of the environment to the economy.

Sogeti provides statistical consultancy on environment statistics and accounts at EU level i.e. Eurostat, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), etc. Besides having its in-house team of experts, Sogeti is part of a network of international renowned experts in Environmental Statistics and Accounts.

Our expertise

Since 2010, Sogeti provides consulting services in Environment statistics and accounts for the implementation, analysis and dissemination of surveys. In addition, it provides methodological assistance on environmental topics which are high in the EU agenda, namely.

Within this framework, our in-house dedicated team of experts provides support and assistance in different stages of the data life cycle, i.e.:

  • Methodological development (handbooks and manuals, etc.);
  • Data collection according to EU and UN (SEEA) standards including development of questionnaires and imbedded tools;
  • Data validation (consistency and plausibility checks, gap filling methods);
  • Data analysis and the calculation of indicators;
  • Dissemination of results (commission database, paper and web publications, etc.)

Our achievements

Since 2010, Sogeti leads different Consortia working for the EU Commission (Eurostat, EASME, etc.) on environment statistics and accounts. As such, Sogeti has taken part to several data collection and treatment processes. In particular, the projects already tackled by Sogeti’s team of experts include:

  • The development of new and update of existing quality profiles (2010), with special reference to monitoring, improving and reviewing profiles on Structural Indicators (SI), Sustainable Development Indicators (SDI), Globalisation Indicators (GI) and 2020 indicators;
  • Regional environment statistics (from 2010 onwards), for which assistance to the data collection was provided in the domain of Water, Waste, Energy, Transport and Land use statistics;
  • Assistance in the streamlining of environmental indicators and maintenance of the metadata catalogue (from 2014 onwards), which includes also the identification of synergies between indicator sets and the integration of new indicators into the streamlining process;
  • (from 2010 onwards) Data production development of physical environmental Air Emissions Accounts (AEA), Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA), Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA), Water Accounts;
  • The Design and development of a Energy-Related Products Database (2014);

Since 2010, Sogeti also provides Trainings on "Environment statistics" – with special reference to water and waste statistics as well as Economic environmental accounts and taxes – for the European Statistical System (ESS) and other widely recognized international institutions.