Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion

We want to enable as many people as possible to seize all the opportunities offered by digital.

We believe that we can be a bridge between technology, business and society, while working hand in hand with our clients, NGO partners and public and academic organizations. Our digital inclusion strategy is adapted on a daily basis through our strong internal network of local leaders.


Code for Youth

In Luxembourg, one of our consultants, Martin Mbaga, is involved as a co-founder and volunteer in an association that gives training around robotics and coding for youth in Luxembourg, Belgium and Africa.

ImpalaBridge association mainly aims to promote digital education for disadvantaged young people in a playful way, through workshops in refugee centers belonging to Caritas, Fedasil, and the Red Cross, among others. Martin does a fantastic job in his spare time and Sogeti Luxembourg supports him by donating IT material to his association.

Martin is also the European Code Week ambassador in Belgium and he is always looking for volunteers willing to learn new skills while inspiring the next generation of coders and digital makers!

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Martin, what do you find rewarding in volunteering?

IMG_20191112_150249.jpg"I am convinced that digital development and upgrading the skills of our young people can have a huge impact on their opportunities for the future but also on our economies and on society.

I think that volunteering for this purpose is very rewarding. With Impala Bridge, I put kids' and youths' interests above mine. Teaching kids and the youth in 21st century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration through coding and robotics makes me feel that I have contributed to change something in their lives and, hopefully, to give them a better future. And, simply, this gives meaning to my life.

This is my contribution for a better society and a better world. I believe that this kind of commitment is very much needed, especially in today's world, where we are all busy being self-centered."


How could you help Martin and his association?

If you want to help Impalabridge, by volunteering, donating material or making a donation, please contact Martin Mbaga.


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Gaëlle Billiaux
HR Business Partner & CSR Officer
+352 31 44 01
Martin Mbaga
Martin Mbaga
ICT project manager at Sogeti Luxembourg